In this entry, I am going to be talking about networking-- specifically social media and networking: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc... all of it! Our lives have become so focused on the social media that we forget to sometimes "unplug" and go outside.

Two articles I've read recently that discuss the effects of social networking are "5 Effects Social Networks Have On You" by Singyin Lee and "The Effects of Social Networking Upon Society".
"5 Effects Social Networks Have On You" Thoughts
This article focused on "what science is saying about you and your social networks." It is centered towards how social media effects the individual and mainly the effects it can have on one's self-image. The author uses studies to link specific social networks with health topics like eating disorders, depression, and self-esteem as well as bringing attention to how these networking activities can effect your physical interactions. The article also brings attention to how using social networks like Twitter can be influencing narcissism (loving yourself and making your opinions known to as many people as possible).

"The Effects of Social Networking Upon Society" Thoughts
This article was very critical of social networking and its effect on society. Throughout the article, it brings attention to bullying, the aspects of "friends" on social sites, and the impact of how too much social networking can negatively effect the world. In the concluding paragraph the author states:
“Social networking aides long distance
communication greatly but there must be a stopping point. It cannot become our
main form of communication and interaction. There are positives to this new
technology but nowhere do these positives outweigh the negatives… There is
nothing that can substitute for personal interaction.”
Personal Opinion and Thoughts... Conclusion

So I encourage you, get out and hang with your friends. Social networking can wait. Go throw a ball or watch a movie with your friends; maybe take a nap! Just do it together.

**After writing so long about social networking, I figured I could at least post my Instagram where I am most active! My handle is @maddymae9413 and you should follow me! I love new friends.